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We Are TBT
Black Female-Owned Business

We take care of the small details and believe that each daily action can make an impact.
"When I first started my natural hair journey I did a big chop. In 2014 I was officially natural, I had never dyed, bleached, or permed my hair. However it was "Trained" and severely heat damaged. My hair was growing, as hair is a living thing and is always actively growing, however I wasn't seeing any new length. This was because my hair was breaking off at the same rate it was growing. My hair was originally a 4B texture and it almost felt impossible to maintain moisture. Thus TexturesbyTalayah was born. I created a hair care line based on the needs of colored people's hair that often aren't met by mainstream hair care brands. I hope you will not only support but enjoy the products created to help you feel your most beautiful textured self!" -CEO

The Textured Way
Zero Waste
It is important to us that we help preserve our earth. The planet gives us so many beautiful natural ingredients for all types of purposes. It's only right that we give back! That's why we embrace using plastic and materials that are able to be recycled as opposed to wasted.
Our product packaging is perfect for bathroom storage. Whether in cool and dry conditions or warm and damp, our packaging will keep your purchased products as good as new.
Our reusable packaging allows you to split products between household members, add your own favorites to products, or even come up with your own creative care for home use!